26 Feb 2017

Practice makes Perfect | Training

I spoke about this a little in my last post, but here's a little more information.

I'm someone who's adored make up for a long time, but I never got knees deep into it till University.
I started doing hair and costume backstage (as I was part of a performance course) and rocking up to lectures with bright purple unblended eye makeup, perhaps not on of my better moments, but I thought I looked bomb as hell with it.

I was experimenting with makeup tones then suddenly I stopped, I'm not too sure why and it took a while for me to get out of the rut I'd gotten myself into. 

I decided to try again, built up my confidence then allowed myself to get knocked down in 2015 after failing the makeup trial test for a counter. 
At the beginning of 2016, when I started getting my mental health under control, I started playing around again, it started with bright lipstick, then I taught myself how to apply eyelashes, played with coloured shadows, and even applied for a job in Mac!

This is what look I wore on my makeup trial.

and this is the look I did on my friend I'd taken with me, I think I did pretty well considering, I had 30 minutes and I got stopped by a customer who thought I worked there.
Sadly I didn't get the job this time either, this was mostly due to my lack of sales experience as the job would be in a brand new store. 
On the journey home, I set up my Facebook page 

I was doing really well for a while gaining followers and experience using friends and family. I did have to take a break till Christmas due to my head injury, but I decided to get back into it. (my doctor said do thing that calm and de-stress you and this does)

 Around this time a lovely little meme was going around asking "Are all the girls finished becoming MUA's for the year" and I did sadly feel the need to defend myself, no I'm not a qualified MUA nor do I say I'm such, I'm training and saving money for a future course. Plus the fact that people come back to me proves that I have some sort of talent for this.

I'll keep trying to get better, and I'll keep working on different looks, I have customers now who keep coming back, and my following is going up all this time, It's all a little bit overwhelming but I love it. 

 What I'm trying to get at here is, regardless of what people say or think or even what that little voice at the back of your mind says. Keep trying, keep perfecting your trade, if you want to do something and you have a love for it. Believe in yourself and you'll get there.
If you look at my older photos and compare them to the newer ones you can clearly see the improvement, and the same will happen to you.
Practice makes Perfect.

Please feel free to ask any questions, or for any kind of looks you want to see, and if you want you can click the link to check out my Instagram page....

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