14 Jul 2015

10 things that happen when you "fly the nest"

In my last post you may or may not have read that i have recently moved in to my own home with my partner.

I must say it may be the most stressful thing ever, I have lived on my own before but that was a student house so it doesn't really count right?

Here's a list of 10 things that happen when you fly the nest...

1. You get excited over buying thing like hoovers / slow cookers (this is a genuine insta post)

2. The monthly food shop becomes your favourite outing.

3. Bleaching the bathroom is one of your favourite tasks.

4. Jeremy Kyle becomes your staple everyday TV programme.

5. Unpacking takes longer than you thought it would, like literally months longer.

6. You find a new love for picture frames, mirrors and general shabby chic/rustic items.

7. You spend your days off cleaning rather than relaxing.

8. You miss mothers house so much (more for the fact that you didn't have to do anything)

9. Bills so many Bills. (Why don't they teach us about this stuff in school?)

10. Finally understand why mother always said "if you want something doing correctly do it yourself" - seriously my partner cannot wash pots to save his life....

And that's just a list of a few things 

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