My work place was closed yesterday so i had absolutely nothing to do, nor could i be bothered to wait for a bus to venture to town.
So i ventured to my mothers house, a thing i usually do when the boredom strikes,
Sadly she had already washed the dog so I didn't get to was that hilarious episode.
The weather was absolutely beautiful yesterday and it felt like an absolute waste to sit and do nothing.
So using my wonderful persuasion skills, i managed to talk mother into a pub outing - not that it took much persuasion mind you.
We decided to walk there, it's only about a 20min journey there and back and it was a nice day so why not?
Some food and one drink was the original plan however four or five drinks later was when we ventured home.
After that we sat in and watched some BAD tv which is a normal occurrence when I'm visiting
Here's a photo of my food - as you can see slimming world did not matter to me this day.
My mother got a Sunday lunch, and this beautiful creation which she refused to share. "Chocolate fudge cake with ice cream"

This was my outfit and face for the day, The dress was from the NewLook sale and only cost me £5!
Do let me know how you spent your easter and who you spent it with.
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