1 Sept 2015

Haul - August + Birthday

Product list


Fizzbanger £.3.35 www.lush.co.uk/products/fizzbanger

Frozen £3.95 www.lush.co.uk/products/bath-bombs/frozen

Dragon's Egg £3.35 https://www.lush.co.uk/products/dragons-egg

Sex Bomb £3.35 /www.lush.co.uk/products/sex-bomb

Sakura £3.35 https://www.lush.co.uk/products/sakura

Intergalactic £3.95 https://www.lush.co.uk/products/bath-bombs/intergalactic

Bathroom Guestbook £10-£15 http://knockknockstuff.com/product/bathroom-guest-book/

L'Oreal True Match Foundation -£7-£10 (check your local store)

L'Oréal Paris Infallible Powder Compact £5-£7 (check store)

Bare - £19.50
Minx - £19.50
Buff - £19.50

Poo Pourri - £8-£13 Amazon/Ebay

Urban Decay Naked Smoky £38 http://www.urbandecay.co.uk/naked/naked-palettes/naked-smoky-palette

Stand mixer £199 www.very.co.uk/morphy-richards-accents-400011-stand-mixer-black/1296940323.prd

Dressing Table with mirror £169.99 http://www.oldautumnhouse.co.uk/

14 Jul 2015

10 things that happen when you "fly the nest"

In my last post you may or may not have read that i have recently moved in to my own home with my partner.

I must say it may be the most stressful thing ever, I have lived on my own before but that was a student house so it doesn't really count right?

Here's a list of 10 things that happen when you fly the nest...

1. You get excited over buying thing like hoovers / slow cookers (this is a genuine insta post)

2. The monthly food shop becomes your favourite outing.

3. Bleaching the bathroom is one of your favourite tasks.

4. Jeremy Kyle becomes your staple everyday TV programme.

5. Unpacking takes longer than you thought it would, like literally months longer.

6. You find a new love for picture frames, mirrors and general shabby chic/rustic items.

7. You spend your days off cleaning rather than relaxing.

8. You miss mothers house so much (more for the fact that you didn't have to do anything)

9. Bills so many Bills. (Why don't they teach us about this stuff in school?)

10. Finally understand why mother always said "if you want something doing correctly do it yourself" - seriously my partner cannot wash pots to save his life....

And that's just a list of a few things 

17 May 2015

An Awesome Week

This week I somehow managed to get the full week off work.

Which was awesome because there was so much stuff to do this week, although it's fair to say my liver may not be working.

Tuesday/Wed/Thurs - A few of my closest friend were performing in a Teesside University student ran festival - TeesFuse - So I just had to go watch. When I was at university with those lot we only ever got to see them act and sing every now and again. This time however I got to watch performances that they had written, directed and performed in, I think is fair to say that they all did wonderfully and I'm very proud of them all, I laughed, cried and almost had to leave the room due to how funny and hard hitting the stories and performances were.

Tuesday night consisted off the third years dissertation pieces as did Monday's (i couldn't go to Mondays sadly). You could practically feel how much hard work and dedication went in to each performance. Of course after this night i ended up in my favvv pub Isaacs.

Wednesday  was a comedy and band night in a small pub, starting with a few acoustic performances by three talented individuals to set the mood of course, then we were bombarded with some hilarious comedy acts that almost made me wee myself, and the same goes for my past teacher who was sat behind me howling. After that we ventured downstairs to listen to some bands and have a few drinks - I ended up having a slush puppy with a shot of vodka and I didn't feel too much like a child. The band were great. Again after this I ended up in Isaacs.

Thursday's evening was entitled "conversations on a bridge". Each student was to write a scene based around the title a conversation on a bride. Some more hard hitting performances based around feeling at a loss with life after university, suicide and of course there were some funny ones their too, like and old man who had been visiting the spot were he thought he killed  his friend only to have his friend come back in ghost form and tell him that he hadn't killed him he jump - sounds morbid but it was funny, and of course the one with the homeless guy who made a wish over the side of the bridge, who ended up being given £250000 only to throw it over the bridge at the end for his wish.

Friday was a goodbye house party for the current third years, all I can say about this is ring of fire, drunk hide and seek with the lights of and lots of vodka

Saturday was the hen night of my best friends fiance such an enjoyable night of facials and buying bras from anne summers, I may of may not have taken a selfie with some objects. After which i ventured to my good friend Lynnes halls and went to Animals V Machience and got slightly merry before venturing home.

Sunday is today and I'm recovering, I may even go visit the mother and force her to give me food.

7 May 2015

I've Voted, Have You?

As It stands I have just handed in my vote for this years election.

Now I'm not going to tell you whoever you have voted for is wrong and that it's stupid to vote for certain parties.

All I'm going to say is PLEASE at least think about who you're voting for.

Don't just vote for a party based on one thing you've read or because the rest of your friends and family are.

Read up on their policy's and the things they have said - i think you'd be completely applaud with some of them - not to point any fingers....

But do take time in deciding who you're going to vote for.

I come from a family where they all believe that they shouldn't vote.

To quote my Nan "they're all evil anyway" - that may or may not be true.

But I find it laughable how people can sit their and complain about things when they wont leave the house for 10mins to vote. not to say you don't have a right to moan but well, you kind of don't.  Or say "Well my vote won't make a difference anyway" .... take a look at the image below please....


And to address the people on social media.

My personal facebook has been full of people saying "if you vote for .... delete me" and abuse is getting hurled back and forth.(I'm not even going to talk about the people voting for Ed because they think he's hot .... like seriously what even) 

Which i find disgusting, people have a right to vote for who they want to vote for, and who they vote for has absolutely nothing to do with you, nor should they have to explain and justify themselves to you. You vote for who YOU want to, don't let anyone other people's opinions and views sway you from that.

Just please RESEARCH before you do so.

6 Apr 2015

Easter Holidays 2015

Yesterday was Easter as you all most likely know, and since I'm not a child anymore (Sadly) I didn't wake up to a mass of chocolate everywhere - not that i ever did eat that much chocolate.

My work place was closed yesterday so i had absolutely nothing to do, nor could i be bothered to wait for a bus to venture to town.

So i ventured to my mothers house, a thing i usually do when the boredom strikes, 

Sadly she had already washed the dog so I didn't get to was that hilarious episode.

The weather was absolutely beautiful yesterday and it felt like an absolute waste to sit and do nothing.

So using my wonderful persuasion skills, i managed to talk mother into a pub outing - not that it took much persuasion mind you.

We decided to walk there, it's only about a 20min journey there and back and it was a nice day so why not? 

Some food and one drink was the original plan however four or five drinks later was when we ventured home.

After that we sat in and watched some BAD tv which is a normal occurrence when I'm visiting

Here's a photo of my food - as you can see slimming world did not matter to me this day.

I got a breaded chicken burger with cheese, bacon and chips - it was YUMMY

My mother got a Sunday lunch, and this beautiful creation which she refused to share. "Chocolate fudge cake with ice cream"

This was my outfit and face for the day, The dress was from the NewLook sale and only cost me £5!

Do let me know how you spent your easter and who you spent it with.

A month in photos - March 2015

Hey all... here's a quick introduction to my new "blog adventure" every month (well hopefully) I'm going to upload a month in photos. This will range from selfies to things I've bought. I hope you all enjoy.

March was the first month in a long time where I actually decided to try out another beauty box. It's fair to say I love the "love me beauty" box due to the fact that you get the chance to pick out the products you want from the ones available, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the nail varnishes were full size, basically paying the box off and then some with one product.


Selfies are always a clear instalment on everyone's Instagram.

As you can see being at work makes me go crazy with excitement.


I can however take some good selfies.


Ah when irrelevant people try to reinstate themselves back in your life, I think the person related to this post got the point though.

On this day I finally saw how much weight I had actually lost! ( I have promised to post more regarding my weight lost so do stay tuned in you're interested) I do have a long way to go yet but it's so nice to finally be able to see the results.


The joy you feel when a pizza place actually draws what you ask them too on the box 


I also found the spotify page for a person I used to watch on YouTube. I may have fallen in love again 

Drinks and batman drawings in Waterstones


Although I do feel like whoever drew this awesome piece of work could of spent a bit more time on the actual logo ^_^

I ventured to my mothers house and decided to snoop around for photo albums and i was in luck! I found them! Do you all remember how awesome birthdays and Christmases were back then.

Please tell me you all remember how excited you were when you received the ps1 


I also got "my hair did"! I decided that my usual platinum blonde hair was getting a bit too much to handle and was slightly washing me out, so i decided to go for something a little more manageable or "grown up" as my mother puts it.


It was a little darker than i had originally wanted to go, thankfully with washes and stuff thats changed and the blonde is still there.

Found all my lush bath stuff too! 


I ventured to a salon and got some hair extensions installed here's a before and after.


As you can see it has a lot more blonde in now. The extensions were installed by the lovely Lisa who owns "Sephora hair extensions" in Middlesbrough - i absolutely would recommend her to everyone.

A few days later a pub lunch venture with my boyfriend turned into something more with a few friends  


This is my very very good friend Lynne. Let me tell you the story behind this photo, We were talking about how its very easy to compliment people with blue/green eyes "your eyes are like pools of clear water" and what not. But we couldn't think of ones for brown eyes, so i came up with "your eyes remind me of the poo emoji" then we took to snapchat to create that.


saw this beautiful thing in the town centre and just couldn't walk past without taking a photo.

My mother and I decided the best bet for dinner on this night was a good old english fish and chip shop, they had this drawn on one of their walls!


Picked this little gem up in a charity shop, I think its a candle holder.


You know when you call up the tax office and they have you on hold for over an hour? Yeah that happened, good news though they owe me pennys.


This song is AMAZING!!


I shall finish this post of with a good old selfie - let me know what you think about these "month in photos" post.

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envye template.