“Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.” Benjamin Disraeli
Recently I've found myself in the comments sections on everything from YouTube to friends Facebook sites.
Although a lot of the comments are absolutely lovely and most are unbelievable supportive and kind, you always come across those "no offence but" "I'm not being funny but", or even just general nasty comments, and i find myself wondering. Why?
Why do people go out of their way to hurt others and make them feel terrible or a lack of self worth?
When this subject gets raised online, it's full of people experiences yet, it's also full of "Well you've put yourself online so you should expect these kinds of comments", really? Should a person expect to be called ugly? or stupid? The correct answer is no.
More and more cyber and bullying as a whole (yes bullying is what this is) seem to becoming more and more frequent.
I find myself asking why? even though i already know the answer.
We live in a world where people can hide behind anonymous.
The crazy thing is instead of tackling this subject, there are websites created to slag of YouTube, to talk about people personal lives, people leaking phone numbers and hacking pages...
You can do whatever you want, and face next to no consequences.
I just wonder why people would take time out to do these things.
What do you get out of attacking someone? nothing
What do you get out of being a good supportive nice person? self worth, gratitude, friendship....
I'm a strong believer of if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it.
If you're not enjoying a video, don't watch it.
If you don't like a photo, don't look at it.
If you feel you need to address something, there are ways and means to do that without coming across hateful.
Spread joy and happiness, not negativity and hate.
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