26 Feb 2017

Practice makes Perfect | Training

I spoke about this a little in my last post, but here's a little more information.

I'm someone who's adored make up for a long time, but I never got knees deep into it till University.
I started doing hair and costume backstage (as I was part of a performance course) and rocking up to lectures with bright purple unblended eye makeup, perhaps not on of my better moments, but I thought I looked bomb as hell with it.

I was experimenting with makeup tones then suddenly I stopped, I'm not too sure why and it took a while for me to get out of the rut I'd gotten myself into. 

I decided to try again, built up my confidence then allowed myself to get knocked down in 2015 after failing the makeup trial test for a counter. 
At the beginning of 2016, when I started getting my mental health under control, I started playing around again, it started with bright lipstick, then I taught myself how to apply eyelashes, played with coloured shadows, and even applied for a job in Mac!

This is what look I wore on my makeup trial.

and this is the look I did on my friend I'd taken with me, I think I did pretty well considering, I had 30 minutes and I got stopped by a customer who thought I worked there.
Sadly I didn't get the job this time either, this was mostly due to my lack of sales experience as the job would be in a brand new store. 
On the journey home, I set up my Facebook page 

I was doing really well for a while gaining followers and experience using friends and family. I did have to take a break till Christmas due to my head injury, but I decided to get back into it. (my doctor said do thing that calm and de-stress you and this does)

 Around this time a lovely little meme was going around asking "Are all the girls finished becoming MUA's for the year" and I did sadly feel the need to defend myself, no I'm not a qualified MUA nor do I say I'm such, I'm training and saving money for a future course. Plus the fact that people come back to me proves that I have some sort of talent for this.

I'll keep trying to get better, and I'll keep working on different looks, I have customers now who keep coming back, and my following is going up all this time, It's all a little bit overwhelming but I love it. 

 What I'm trying to get at here is, regardless of what people say or think or even what that little voice at the back of your mind says. Keep trying, keep perfecting your trade, if you want to do something and you have a love for it. Believe in yourself and you'll get there.
If you look at my older photos and compare them to the newer ones you can clearly see the improvement, and the same will happen to you.
Practice makes Perfect.

Please feel free to ask any questions, or for any kind of looks you want to see, and if you want you can click the link to check out my Instagram page....

15 Feb 2017

It's Been A While | Update!

Well Hello There.
Wow, so It's been a very long time since I last posted a blog, after promising to be more consistent!
I'm terrible I know.
How about I explain?

So my last post was in June 2016 - almost a year ago - and it was about my therapy sessions.
I was doing rather well if I do say so myself, I was getting out more, stressing out less, and had general control over my life.

I'd travelled to London to see the amazing Melanie Martinez a few months prior with people I barely knew, everything was looking up.

Chav used "Rock Throw" and it was "super effective"

On the 19th July, whilst playing Pokemon go I may add.
I sadly had a rock thrown at my head, by someone who could only be described as an irresponsible child, or "12-year-old fetus" which is what I called him on my snap chat right after the incident. (yes my first reaction was to start a snap chat video, don't judge me)

I would upload photos and videos of the damage done but I doubt anybody would want to see that, even though I am pretty hilarious.

I took a few weeks off work and returned after being told by my GP that I fine. I carried my life on as normal.

And by normal I mean, my control over my mental health was lacking, my medication was upped and I became somewhat a hermit. Thankfully I was still in my therapy sessions and managed to work through everything. My medication is still significantly high, but everything is thankfully under control now.

Kitten Attack

I got a kitten, searched all over for a black cat with white little socks, and came across this little fellow.
His name is Miko, he's an adorable little chap!

He does have a few weird quirks, like climbing everything, sticking his paw in the water bowl and licking his paw to drink, he also likes been chased and responds to a whistle like a dog.

I had an interview for Mac Cosmetics and got to the final stage, but sadly I didn't get the job as it was a new store and they needed people with sales experience, which is fine.

I started my own make-up venture and it seems to be going pretty well, I gained 100+ followers on my make-up page in like an hour. Feel free to give it a like!


My Instagram seemingly blew up as well, I know 500+ followers isn't a lot where Instagram in concerned but for me it is. 


Middlesbrough Youth Theatre's show that year was West Side Story, and if you have me on facebook you'll of seen how utterly amazed I was by each and every person who was a part of it. I'm rather proud to be a part of such a great company.

Kitten Attack Part 2
Miko needed a friend! We decided to call "him" Gizmo. Till we got him home and discovered he was a she. her name is Freya now. 

Freya enjoys using her claws to climb up your legs, sitting on your head and constant purring.

It took a while to get Miko used to the idea of sharing his home with another kitten, A lot of time spent changing the room one was in so they could get used to the smell of each other.

But they love each other now!

So as you can see, everything seemed to be fine...

Sadly something didn't feel right, I was still getting pain and migraines from my injury that had happened around 3/4 months ago.
I went to the doctor multiple times and they kept saying that everything was normal, but you just know when something is not right.

Finally I was told that I have concussion and vertigo, but still, I felt like there was something else.

It took 5 visits and 3 different GP's to be heard I've now had a CT scan which was thankfully normal and I'm being referred to a Neurologist so hopefully, I'll know what's wrong with me soon!

I've been off work since the 11th December 2016, and I'm going stir crazy, never thought I'd actually miss working, but I do. This whole "try not to do so much and rest" thing is not good for me!

So for now, I'm spending most of my time, putting make-up on my face for the sheer fun of it, and killing people eardrums on Facebook and snap chat with my singing! (snap chat = natalielobrien)with the occasional funny video, I'm hilarious trust me. Annoying my kittens with non-stop hugs, which Miko loves, Freya, however, does not. My friends escort me in leaving the house if I feel up to it, so I don't go crazy or have a dizzy episode outside on my own.

So other than spending my time in constant pain, everything seems to be good.

And that's my update done.

Again I'm sorry I've been away for so long, but you know a lot has happened. I will try to keep on top of this whole blogger thing, but I won't make any promises this time.

If you'd like a whole post on what my therapy sessions were like and how I've finally managed to get my mental health in control please let me know!

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envye template.