Over the past few years I've had a rage of different colours in my hair (by different colours I mean purple and pink)
Due to fading and my general need for change I've had to wash the colours out quite a bit, luckily I found the perfect item that can fade semi permanent hair dye enough for it to be redyed.
head and shoulders anti dandruff shampoo
Here's what you need to do...
Coat your hair in the shampoo for around an hour or so and wash out, this should lift the colour.
For extensions, coat them in the shampoo also, but leave them sit in hot water for an hour then rise.
You may need to do this a few times depending how dark the colour is on your hair.. time consuming i know but it does work.
I did this technique with the above extensions twice and they didn't go completely back to there original colour (they were a silver/blonde colour) but it was fine because i didn't need them to be completely blonde for my new dye to cover correctly.
Although this is a great way to lighten and rid extensions of colour i would recommend a deep condition after doing this or maybe putting a day in between each time you do it. otherwise the extensions will get a tad bit ratty. Mine are perfectly fine though so this technique didn't do much damage at all.
i do hope this is helpful. Enjoy!